National Honor Society
The NHS is an honor society that students are inducted into the previous year. NHS will participate by creating and volunteering in events in the community.
We will meet on Zoom on November 3rd, November 17th, December 1st, and December 15th at 2:00 p.m.
Check your Google Classroom for the Zoom link.
Start date: October 6th, 2023
Teacher: Wayne Beadles
Pikes Peak Early College Chapter of the National Honor Society has determined that outstanding achievement in the area of scholarship requires a 3.75 GPA. To meet the service requirement for selection, candidates must have been active in an area of service to the school and community. Each year, according to NHS bylaws, members are required to remain active in the area of service by completing additional individual hours, group hours, and a fundraising project.
Transfer students already having membership in the National Honor Society will automatically be accepted into membership at Pikes Peak Early College and will be subject to the same established guidelines as current PPEC members.
If the student were in NHS at a previous school, I would grandfather them into our chapter. Otherwise, I send out applications to qualifying students during the spring semester.